Jubilee Cup

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August 2024 Newsletter

Hello All team Captains

This is the 6th of the results Mail shots for the 2024 season, and with very nearly 6 months of competition, 108 matches played and more than 1100 different golfers representing their respective golf clubs, we draw to the business end of proceedings. Well done and thank you to all those players, caddies and officials, to all the captains and to all the golf clubs for hosting the matches too. It’s been a great season with some amazing matches, we’ve had holes in one, tense play off deciders, great team and exceptional match spirit in so many close games. A truly memorable season.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Phil Redhead for his continued support and guidance to the new committee, to Neil Mitchell and Alan Tindall the previous committee members who have done so much over many seasons to continue the traditions of the Jubilee Cup and to Darrell, Bernie and Peter who along with myself make up  the new committee. We hope we have given you all a great experience and season of golf. As with all competitions they must come to a close and 48 have become just 4 teams trying to become crowned Jubilee Cup Champions 2024. Well done and congratulations to Chigwell (continuing an impressive defence of their title), Crondon Park, Upminster & Stockbrook Manor Jubilee Cup teams on their great achievement so far.

Remember the match dates for the semi final matches are 7th and 8th September 2024 playing at Canons Brook and Bentley Golf clubs respectively, thank you to both clubs for agreeing to host the 2 matches. The 7 card eligibility date was the 18th August 2024. Clubs will be emailed individually with full details if their semi final venue, start time and food options.

Each Captain needs to email their team (with possible substitute) in playing order along with numbers (& choices where appropriate) for after match meal (minimum 12) to the Jubilee Cup email no later than 7pm Thursday 29th August for verification and inputting to the leaderboard and scorecard spreadsheets by the competition secretary. Only substitutions and handicap adjustments will be allowed after this time.

This year we will be trialing both a roving leader board out in the course, but also an online live leaderboard too - a new development which worked well at a recent test.

The links for the live leaderboards are:

Semi-final 1 - between Chigwell & Crondon Park on 7th September @Canons Brook GC first tee 2pm 2 tee start (1st & 8th)

7 JC semi-final 1 scoresheet live 2024

Semi-final 2 - between Upminster & Stockbrook Manor on 8th September @Bentley GC first tee 1pm single tee start

7 JC semi-final 2 scoresheet live 2024

We hope to keep them updated regularly on the day so if you are planning on watching on the course or interested to follow from home or out and about, just click the link and you (should) have automatic viewing rights to let you see the action as it unfolds.

The order of merit competitions are as follows

With just 2 possible points to play for the list of players who can overhaul the current leaders (Nick Brown - Crondon Park & Richard Shultz - Lexden Wood ) is getting much smaller.

As always the most up to date scores and fixtures can be found using the link below

2 Jubilee Cup results 2024

Remaining round eligibility dates for the 7 cards rule are as below

SF’s - 18 August 2024

Final - 8 September 2024

Planning has already started for the 2025 competition. We hope to see you at this years AGM where the draw for the 8 divisions will take place. The date, time and venue are yet to be announced but it will be most likely sometime in November. Remember to get your entry forms and payments in as soon as possible, providing your 2025 Captain and their contact email is most helpful at this stage too.

The 2025 draw, results and information page can be found at

2 Jubilee Cup results 2025

And can be viewed by anyone using the link.

Finally we must finish with a word of caution around pace of play and that we must remember that we are not the sole users of the course that we are playing on and we play only with the support of the clubs that we play for and are members of. In a recent match it has been reported that groups were taking over 3 hours to complete 9 holes and that this had an adverse effect on members and other players coming up behind the Jubilee Cup matches. Clearly this is unacceptable and clubs will not continue to support the competition if this continues. The committee will be looking at introducing rules on the acceptable pace of play to try and alleviate and avoid such issues in the future. In any event a 4BBB match should not be taking 5 hours to complete and I would ask all team captains to let their players know about good and bad time issues, please help us to keep the matches moving in good time. Now it is always the 4BBB matches that get the stick here, as they go off second but it could easily be a problem in earlier singles matches that contribute to issues too. So bad time pace of play regulations will apply to all players and all of us who play should do all we can to keep the game moving forward.

After all it makes everyone’s lives and matches better.

Yours the Jubilee Cup Committee.